• News
  • 24.8

    We were very happy to have again received a visit from Jana, our first volunteer and one of our first sponsors. We first met Jana in 2008 at our meeting for sponsors. She soon came to visit us again in what were then our small rented spaces. She was very happy to see the progress […]

  • News
  • 15.8

    On August 15th, India celebrates Independence Day – which we also mark with a lively programme at our own school. The students paid tribute to their country through dance, national songs and recitations. This holiday certainly doesn’t compare to the bleak celebrations I remember from my own school days. In India, Independence Day is a real […]

  • Piali Ashar Alo
  • Luč upanja

    Dobrodošli na naši strani. Piali Ashar Alo je izobraževalni center, ki smo ga ustanovili v mesecu februarju 2008 v vasi Piali blizu mesta Kolkate. Ime pomeni “luč upanja”, saj možnost izobrazbe prinaša upanje tako nam kot seveda otrokom in še posebno tistim, ki sicer ne bi imeli možnosti šolanja.

 Šola je namenjena izključno tistim otrokom, […]