• News
  • Spanish Music and Flamenco

    Spanish music with flamenco at Piali?!!! Hmmm… It couldn’t be true… Ola, Yes!! Together with Helena, Paula, Marta, Jessica from Vi Blau and their wonderful lively energy we listened to the Spanish melodies and even learnt some basic steps of flamenco. Thanks again to our wonderful friends Veda, Rohit and “Live in learning” for bringing […]

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  • Let’s go to the cinema!

    Eight of our fifth, sixth and seventh grade girls were rewarded by going to the cinema and watching the animated movie Frozen 2. These girls came one hour before their regular classes every day throughout the year to help those of our youngest girls who needed additional help with their studies. We find it very […]

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  • Bluegrass Journeymen

    We were once again in a wonderful company of The Bluegrass Journeymen, a collective of accomplished musicians aimed at presenting traditional American Bluegrass Music to the world. We are grateful for their musical outreach and support of musical education of our girls. Thanks to Veda and Rohit and their relentless determination to help us to […]

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  • Dumpu Dinki

    Thank you Anne, Anja & Michael from Germany for delighting our children at Piali Ashar Alo with their play ‘Dumpu Dinki’ ! Thank you ThinkArts for allowing us to get a glimpse of ThinkArts International Festival for young audiences.  

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  • Volunteers Karmen in Meta

    It is such a blessing meeting wonderful, generous, inspiring, creative, full-of-energy students who come all the way from Slovenia to serve us. This time we learnt, sang, danced, created, played, laughed, celebrated and even cooked together with Karmen and Meta (from POTA Youth Missionary Volunteering Program), who’ve become also sponsors to our two youngest girls […]

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  • Katja and Ajda

    Katja and Ajda, the students from Slovenia, spent with us the last week of July. Together we played, learnt about the world and dance. They also drew a beautiful lotus on one of our still empty walls.

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  • Loknath, our first college student

    There is no words to express how proud and excited we are for Loknath, our first college student. Coming from extremely humble background, one of our first students, he persevered through many obstacles to achieve almost impossible. We are celebrating together with him, grateful to and remembering all who make our journey possible!